7 New Wonders of the World – my picks

Posted by | January 17, 2003 | trivia | No Comments

Via Kottke.org: vote for the New 7 Wonders

My Picks:

1. Manhattan
Ancient pyramids, Colossus of Rhodes, pah! The collective architecture of Manhattan is mankind’s greatest achievement so far. Van Allen’s Chrysler building, its crowning glory.

2. Downtown Chicago
OK, for the purists there are some better individual buildings here, but collectively Manhattan still wins.

3. Tivo
God’s machine and all. I love Tivo, it changes everything (I haven’t actually bought one yet, but I don’t care, Tivo rules).

4. Ebay
Whenever you are getting bored of the web, there is always something weird on Ebay to cheer you up. See Whowouldbuythat.

5. Long Haul Jet travel
When Norman Foster was asked to pick his favorite piece of modern architecture, he chose the Boeing 747. Nothing changed the world more than the availability of cheap long-haul travel that the 747 created.

6. Cellphones
The Internet may be cool but if you had shown me one of today’s cellphone’s 20 years ago I would have wet myself with excitement.

7. Velcro
No matter how hard you look and how slowly you put Velcro hooks and cloth together, it is impossible to believe this stuff actually works.