Ditching Tivo

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The only channel I ever watch on TV is PBS. I ditched Cable, because the only channel I ever watched was HBO. I like the Tivo interface, but there is no way that I’m paying a rental fee or premium for TV listings, as a very occasional viewer. I also don’t have a land line telephone. The Toshiba PVR with DVD burner, below is ideal – it gets free listings from TV guide, directly from within the channel 13 signal, so you buy it and stick a co-ax cable into it and you’re done. No signup with any service and no phone connection required. Works with Cable but not Dish services, if you are into paying a mortgage for TV. Cheap: $320 Toshiba | RD-XS35: Multi-Drive DVD Recorder with 160GB Hard Drive

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Number crunching

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What is both rare and everywhere? – Uranium is rare, but everywhere. One ton of an ordinary rock, such as granite, contains 16g of Thorium and Uranium. A kilogram of Uranium is equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT, which is approx. the same as the energy potential of 20,000 tons of gasoline. One ton of common-or-garden rock contains the equivalent fuel of 320 tons of gasoline. It could take a lot less than that to extract it. Until recently, what did environmentalists and Car/Oil companies have in common? – A reason to hate nuclear power. It used to be very easy to make a case against nuclear energy, and if you are either a treehugger or a oil exec. you would be historically allied.

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Google plays Risk Board Game

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Its like watching a real life version of the Risk board game. Google is telling the other players, ‘I won’t attack you for the next ten moves’ as it prepares to roll the dice and line up all its armies next to Microsoft who will also do the same. Because a Microsoft/Google battle royal is kind of innevitable, Google wants to avoid any other trouble. Its caving on personal media with an Apple board seat for Google’s CEO and holding off a PayPal and listings assault on Ebay, with a ‘partnership’. Both companies will lose in the medium term, in the long run one will survive. Remember what happened to Novell, IBM, Commadore? I think Google will win in ‘three rounds’, but nothing is certain. Its a game of dice , after all. Microsoft: ‘We Are Watching Google’

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Nut case alert

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CNN.com – Rep. Harris: Church-state separation ‘a lie’ – Aug 28, 2006 “Katherine Harris told a religious journal that separation of church and state is “a lie” and God and the nation’s founding fathers did not intend the country be “a nation of secular laws.” Why are Americans putting up with this crap? Katherine Harris is exactly what they fought the war in 1776 to escape.

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The death of Pageviews

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Evan williams has a great post on why Pageviews are Obsolete In summary he shows that Page Views are often lower for better designed sites, and this therefore lowers Alexa rank. Last week I posted that Alexa was only 5% accurate for sites outside the top 1000, as a relative measure, based on the sampling error being so high outside of this range. The Page View problem further reduces this accuracy. In short, if you want to appear low in Alexa, appeal to an audience of non-techies and have a well designed site. (Etsy’s real traffic data is porbably spectacular, by this measure). This problem, however, is not just an esoteric one. Page views are being replaced by Ajax ‘page flakes’ but there is no advertising system for Ajax. To do this for Google Adsense, would require creating a complete ad preloading and caching system which would violate Google T&C’s….

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Alexa rankings are only 5% accurate for Web 2.0 sites

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The sometimes delusional cycle of Web 2.0 companies and VCs looking at Alexa rankings, does often acknowledge that Alexa is a bit skewed, as if its out by perhaps 50%. Well its a boat load skewed, Alexa is actually only about 5% accurate if one uses data from Gawker. Because Gawker is transparent about page views, and has a property whose readership is part of the Web 2.0 scene, Valleywag (Trivia fact – I chose the name Valleywag) and one that definitely isn’t, Deadspin, Alexa’s accuracy can be correlated to real data other than Comscore. Valleywag traffic: 600 thousand page views per month Deadspin traffic: 4.5 million page views per month According to Alexa, however, Valleywag ranks twice as highly as Deadspin, with a rank of 5,000, compared to Deadspin’s 10,000 ranking. Which means that Alexa skews tech. sites such as Web 2.0 favs by a huge factor of 15…

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The Relativist Blog

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The Relativist is an hilarious piss-take of New York Times Magazine’s priggish, pompous ass, ‘The Ethicist’. Very structured, short-form content like lists or questions and answers work well on the web, so the Agony Aunt format is a great idea for a blog. “I recently instructed law officers to deport an immigrant to his home country, where he was to be interrogated until he provided information useful to our government. I

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Amazon EC2

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Amazon’s EC2 is the most exciting thing I’ve seen in a while – If it were Google that had launched this, I imagine there would have been more fuss. EC2 allows you to put a disk image of a Linux machine onto Amazon S3 (their remote storage service) and create a virtual machine by installing from there onto EC2. From there on you pay only for CPU time and bandwidth. This is the grid computing that Oracle has been bullshitting about, and chenges the landscape for hosting – allowing instant, on-demand scaleability and no upfront hardware costs, or per unit rackspace fees. I need to investigate more. However, for startups this potentially solves the ‘launch’ problem, where you need extra horsepower for a traffic boost at launch, but the cost of setting it up is prohibitive if you only need that level of service for a couple of weeks. I…

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Has Digg Been Hijacked

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Has Digg Been Hijacked, by FUD Today a largely factually based story with referenced quotes and run by the Associated Press, which was also reported in most US newspapers is flagged by Digg as potentially Inacurate. I’ve noticed recently that a large number of political stories, particularly left of center ones, get slapped with the ‘Warning: The Content in this Article May be Inacurate” – Because enough people who want to deliberately create uncertainty in light of the truth, say so. This is the way wikipedia does it, and to be honest, with no other option for wikipedia, it means that Wikipedia is largely useless and hopelessly banal for contentious political issues. But news is not like Wikipedia – users are directly linking to a source not editing it. If people on the political fringes moan, that does not necessarily mean that the source is innacurate. The Wikipedia reputation system…

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